Hand cooling and compression are highly effective in preventing chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, according to a ...
Adding an immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) to chemotherapy for advanced prostate cancer failed to improve survival as ...
Experts discuss the patient case of Janet, a 58-year-old with her 2 positive metastatic breast cancer, and after 14 months on ...
Cryotherapy is emerging as a promising strategy to prevent chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, but adoption in clinical practice remains limited.
虽然包括免疫和靶向治疗在内的创新药物越来越多地被用于癌症治疗,但化疗仍是癌症治疗的重要基石。紫杉烷类是常用化疗药物,化疗引起的周围神经病变(CIPN)是紫杉烷类常见的剂量限制性不良反应 [1] 。CIPN ...
Promising therapies for platinum-resistant ovarian cancer produced mixed results in separate trials. The AKT inhibitor ...
improved rPFS in the phase 3 TRITON3 trial in men with chemotherapy-naïve metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), previously treated with Zytiga or Xtandi and taxane-based ...
Ken Kato, MD, discussed the FDA approval of tislelizumab for the first-line treatment of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Senators questioned Mehmet Oz, MD, MBA, on Medicaid budget cuts, nursing shortages and his prior claims about miracle drugs during a committee hearing to be the next administrator of CMS.
AbbVie today announced the final analysis of the confirmatory Phase 3 MIRASOL trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of ELAHERE® (mirvetuximab soravtansine-gynx) in women with folate receptor alpha ...