Ohio State Extension educator Lee Beers provides tips for planning nutrient management on the farm in the spring.
Most of the Illinois winter wheat crop is in good shape. In the March crop progress report, the USDA says 56% of the state’s wheat crop is in good to excellent condition with 5% rated poor to very ...
A historic home is set for repairs after a kerosene spill made it uninhabitable. Listed building consent is being sought to replace a heavily contaminated section of a stone wall at Winterfold, ...
Episode 3In this episode hear:soil scientist Dr Susan Orgil explain the science of soil healthhow the microbial and chemical ...
A historic home is set for repairs after a kerosene spill made it uninhabitable. Listed building consent is being sought to replace a heavily contaminated section of a stone wall at Winterfold, ...
Investing in natural capital will be a clear focus for many farmers, as 140 livestock producers search for new ways to ...
Serving as a building block for protein synthesis, and especially for the formation of amino acids, sulfur (S) impacts the ...
Kandosols are red, yellow and grey massive earths. They generally have a sandy to loamy-surface soil, grading to porous sandy-clay subsoils with low fertility and poor water-holding capacity. A wide ...
Only one mine is currently in operation in this territory with an area four times the size of France. A second is due to ...