Cardiac and major vascular surgeries are intricate and high-risk procedures known for significant morbidity and mortality ...
Metabolic indicators, including triglyceride-glucose index, TG, and RC, were associated with an increased risk for hypothyroidism.
A RECENT study, presented at the American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting 2025, aimed to examine the associations between ...
People with higher incomes tend to have higher stress levels than those with lower salaries, latest research has shared. However, adults with a well paid job are likely to feel more satisfied with ...
Innovate UK has awards a £500,000 Smart Grant to AI rotoscoping company Electric Sheep.
然而,目前关于内在能力的研究仍存在诸多不足。一方面,针对中国老年人的实证研究较少;另一方面,睡眠作为一个可调节但研究不足的因素,其与内在能力的关系尚不明确。已有研究表明,睡眠时长过短(<6 小时)或过长(>9 小时)都与老年人的心血管疾病、认知能力下降和免疫功能障碍有关,但以往研究多假设睡眠与健康呈线性关系,忽略了可能存在的阈值效应。
Eosinophil Levels may predict prognosis in critically ill patients with HFrEF suggests a study published in the Scientific Reports.Heart failure (HF) is associated with poor prognosis.