Not ready to invest in a network-attached storage device? Make your own with a spare Raspberry Pi. Here's how to turn a ...
Samba 4.22的到来引发了开源社区的广泛关注,这一知名的开源软件套件在发布六个月后再次更新,带来了诸多重要改进。作为一个主要用于在Windows和Unix之间提供文件共享和打印服务的工具,Samba的这次更新标志着其在性能和安全性方面的重要进步。新的版本不仅提高了文件共享的速度,还增强了身份验证机制,将极大提升用户在多种操作环境下的使用体验。
通过Rust组件himmelblaud,该功能让身份验证支持更为灵活。在smb.conf配置文件中,用户可以轻松启用这一功能,还新增了多个参数供用户个性化调整,例如himmelblaud_sfa_fallback等。 性能提升:Active Directory操作 Samba 4.22在Active Directory相关操作方面也进行了优化 ...
The installer will ask if you want to modify smb.conf to use WINS settings from DHCP. Choose Yes and press Enter. Now you edit that configuration file yourself to share the drive.
# /proc and /sys entries should be kept in sync with # Entries in this list generally use the shortest path that suffices for identifying them as dangerous. # .ssh/id_rsa and ...
Die folgenden Schritte beschreiben die (neue) Installation auf dem Server. Bei "reboot" muss der Server zwingend neu gestartet werden. Überprüfe ob default nvidia ...
A clever malware deployment scheme first spotted in targeted attacks last year has now gone mainstream. In this scam, dubbed “ClickFix,” the visitor to a hacked or malicious website is asked ...
As of 10:33:41 AM EDT. Market Open. Loading Chart for NRDS ...