On February 27, Millettia reticulata and Amomum villosum from Laos entered China through the Mohan Port, marking the official opening of the Mohan medicinal materials import border port function.
In the 9th Asian Winter Games women's biathlon 7.5km short-distance race, Yunnan athlete Yang Lianhong completed her first Asian Winter Games debut and finally won the ninth place. In the competition, ...
Visa-free Good news! Tourist groups (2 or more) from 10 ASEAN countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, etc., with ...
2025年2月11日—12日,党委书记、台长赖勇到各频率、频道、部门走访,看望干部职工,向大家致以新春祝福和诚挚问候,勉励大家在新的一年里凝心聚力,鼓足干劲,推动各项工作再上新台阶。 赖勇来到各频率、频道、部门,与干部职工交流,对大家过去一年的 ...
2025年2月13日,云南广播电视台举行台党委班子2024年度民主生活会学习研讨暨台党委理论学习中心组2025年第一次集中学习,学习领会习近平总书记关于党的建设的重要思想、关于党的自我革命的重要思想以及关于全面加强党的纪律建设的重要论述,深刻认识加强 ...
On February 12, the world's first panoramic mountain sightseeing train, the Lijiang Snow Mountain Sightseeing Train, was officially put into operation. The train departs from the Visitor Center ...