Inntil 4 timer forelesning (to dobbeltimer) per uke. Det kreves gjennomføring og godkjenning av en større prosjektoppgave i gruppe, samt innlevering av obligatoriske oppgaver som må godkjennes for å ...
This course addresses gender, violence and sexuality through presenting and discussing literature, analytical perspectives and empirical case studies on sexual violence. The course critically ...
Studenter må hvert semester søke og få plass på undervisningen og melde seg til eksamen i Studentweb. Dersom du ikke allerede har studieplass ved UiO, kan du søke opptak til våre studieprogrammer, ...
Financial Markets Law and Regulation matters to us all. It is about our payments, mortgages, banking, other forms of savings and pensions. It is also about Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, the shares ...
The focus in this course is on how economic aggregates evolve over time and on how this evolution is shaped by economic agents who are taking account of how their present decisions will affect their ...
Emnet har 3 obligatoriske aktiviteter som skal gjennomføres i seminarer. For å kunne bestå de obligatoriske aktivitetene må du delta i seminar. Frister og retningslinjer for de obligatoriske ...
The course gives a comprehensive overview over modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) with main emphasis on probabilistic and machine learning techniques. Methodology for experiments based on ...
STK3405 provides the foundation of probability theory needed to compute the reliability of a system, i.e., the probability that a system is functioning, when the reliabilities of the components which ...
The end of communist rule in former Eastern Europe was widely seen as the culmination of the third wave of democratization. However, the ‘revolutions’ of 1989 were not uniform processes: the starting ...
The course examines the competition rules of the European Union; particularly the competition rules concerning undertakings in Articles 101-106 TFEU. Competition law is the rules which regulate ...
This course gives a basic introduction to machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). Through an algorithmic approach, the students are given a practical understanding of the methods being ...
2 timer forelesninger, 2 timer seminargrupper og 2 timer lab-grupper. Det er sterkt anbefalt å møte på første forelesningen fordi det vil bli gitt viktig information. Det kreves innlevering av ...