Tuesday night in Greensboro’s city hall was a passionate one, as city leaders met each of the 19 residents vying to fill the seat of the late at-large councilmember Mayor Pro Tempore Yvonne Johnson.
In recent months, community efforts have amplified the importance of the East White Oak Community Center, its history and the ways in which structural racism has played a part in the city.
It’s 4 p.m. and the sun is already setting. I’m sitting in my car, like a TV cop during a stakeout, at the main entrance of the Piedmont Farmers Market in Colfax. I’m waiting on a black Ford Flex with ...
The CityBeat is a nonprofit-funded position reporting on Winston-Salem and Greensboro city council and all city business. These pieces are free to be republished with attribution to Triad City Beat.
Featured photo: “It’s just a great sport, great physical activity, great community,” says Ruckus Climbing Gym owner John Kilburn about rock climbing. He likens the sport’s rise in popularity to how ...