Parents and advocates are concerned about LGBTQ+ students as the federal government investigates the state Department of ...
The coronavirus pandemic led to some leaders adopting innovative approaches to address daunting challenges that have long ...
The Department of Justice has instigated investigations into Stanford University, UC Berkeley and other University of ...
UC will join a number of universities across the country that have implemented hiring freezes amid the Trump administration’s ...
Do babies make memories? Babies as young as 1 can form memories, according to the results of an MRI study published in ...
The project, California’s Bookshelf, can be accessed via The Palace Project app. Patrons have access to 70,000 unique titles ...
The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly changed how students and teachers spend their time in the classroom. Now, instead of ...
The pandemic became a watershed moment for a generation of parents, experts say. It shifted the dynamics between communities ...
As Proposition 28 brings more arts teachers into classrooms across California, some are finding subjects like drama and ...
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing should be tasked with developing a career continuum and a long-term ...
Despite the lingering effects of the pandemic, some parents, teachers and administrators have met daunting challenges with ...
Decades of underinvestment in schools, culture battles over bilingual education, and stark income inequality have made California the least literate state in the nation, as Capitol Weekly reported.