The surgical specimen measured 25x19x12 cm and weighed 2350 g (Figure 2). Histopathological examination revealed seminoma of undescended testis with extensive area of coagulation necrosis and ...
In other words, it is the survival of cancer patients after taking into account that some people would have died from other causes if they had not had cancer. Pure seminoma means that there are no ...
Dr. Axel Heidenreich presented the final results of the COTRIMS (Cologne trial of retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy in metastatic seminoma) trial. Clinical stage (CS) IIA/B seminoma accounts for only 10 ...
There are several subtypes of testicular cancer, and seminoma is the most common. Seminoma develops due to abnormal growth of cells in the testes that are precursors to sperm cells. It grows slowly ...
It is often categorised as primary (genetic) or secondary (acquired). Here, a case of a young male with a history of stage IA seminoma in remission, who presented with persistent fevers, night sweats, ...
Seminomas grow and spread slowly. There are two subtypes: Classical seminoma. This is the most common and usually happens in men ages 25 to 45. Spermatocytic seminoma. Older men are most likely to ...
The outcomes of flexible ureteroscopy for renal calculi of 2 cm or more with and without the use of ureteral access sheath: A retrospective study. Galectin-1 (Gal-1) and Galectin-3 (Gal-3) levels ...
This valuable study reports the link between a disruption in testicular mineral (phosphate) homeostasis, FGF23 expression, and Sertoli cell dysfunction. The data supporting the conclusion are solid.
Chronic exposure to hyperglycemia can lead to cellular dysfunction that may become irreversible over time, a process that is termed glucose toxicity. Our perspective about glucose toxicity as it ...