2007). At present, the effect of biochar and organic fertilizers in improving secondary salinized soil and improving crop quality is limited to a single basic study. Furthermore, the mechanism of the ...
A failure to find a broad-based local response to climate change means many low-lying coastal regions are now either underwater, or with soil too salinized to support agriculture. Inhospitable ...
Salt stress in plants triggers complex physiological responses that are genotype specific. Many of these responses are either not yet described or not fully understood or both. In this work, we ...
Working with a diverse panel of rice accessions grown in field conditions, this valuable study measures changes in transcript abundance, tests for patterns of selection on gene expression, and maps ...
Working with a diverse panel of field-grown rice accessions, this valuable study measures changes in transcript abundance, tests for patterns of selection on gene expression, and maps the genetic ...
郑成卓1,2,3 , 李玉强1,2,3,4 , 王旭洋1,2,3,4 , 王立龙1,2,4 , 姚博1,2,3 , 卢建男1,2 , 李宝成5 1. 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院 干旱区生态 ...