nios处理器有32个通用寄存器(r0~r31),而指令功能相对x86的弱一些,而且x86进行内存访问是直接使用mov指令,nios处理器读内存用的是load,写内存用的是store, 二者响应中断的方式也不一样,举一个典型的例子,x86的处理器将中断向量表放在了内存的最低地址(0 ...
AVR单片机问世以来,获得广泛关注。它是一种采用精简指令集、以时钟周期为机器周期的高速单片机。它采用快速寄存器文件(共有32个寄存器 R0~R31,其中R16~R31具有较强通用功能)、快速单周期指令。另外在存储器技术(Flash存储器、EEPROM)、低功耗、系统可靠性 ...
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This repository contains the details and the code for the 32-bit MIPS32 based RISC Processor, which is implemented in 5 stage pipelined configuration.
How interest rates on a home loan can affect both your monthly budget as well as your long-term financial future.