为探究交配求偶行为对生殖适应性影响,研究Sepsis punctum肢体缺失影响,发现行为可塑性可补偿生殖成功。 求偶行为通过配偶获取和受精成功率影响非随机配偶选择。在求偶的各个阶段(交配前、交配中、交配后),交配行为仍是个谜。广泛分布的斑粪蝇(Sepsis ...
Cordillera-based Indigenous artists travelled to Castlemaine to begin a multi-media collaboration with first Nations artists ...
The McNay Art Museum opened a new installation titled “Sports and Spectator” from March 1 to July 27. The exhibit was ...
CWRU Libraries has additionally entered into agreements with Annual Reviews, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, punctum books, and Royal Society of Chemistry. The APCs covered by these agreements ...
Meanwhile, Double Punctum, presented by Pentas Project Theatre Production, demonstrated the ongoing evolution of dance as a hybrid form, blending photography, theatre, and movement. Originally ...
In particular, Patton embraces critic Roland Barthes’s notion of the punctum: an aspect or detail of a photograph that holds our gaze without condescending to mere meaning or beauty. In the ...
It really has to have its own life force. It’s almost like this vital energy that chooses me. I go back to a concept by Roland Barthes, the punctum, this idea that something hyper-subjective can jump ...