然而,接诊医生注意到任先生持续 高热、呼吸急促、烦躁不安、言语错乱 ,血氧饱和度徘徊在 85%左右。完善CT检查后,发现右肺下叶大片密度增高影 ,考虑病情危急,请 ICU主任马迎秋 会诊,建议立即转入ICU救治。
While there are multiple diseases that animals transmit to humans, this article deals with some of the most common ones – from rabies to toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis, and more. Intro: Statistically ...
Background The etiologic profile of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) for each age group could be similar among inpatients and outpatients. This fact brings up the link between etiology of CAP ...
鹦鹉热(Psittacosis),又称鸟疫,是由鹦鹉热衣原体(Chlamydia psittaci)引起的一种自然疫源性疾病,属于人兽共患病。主要宿主为鸟类(尤其是鹦鹉 ...
Pets have many health, emotional and social benefits for children, but the risk of zoonotic infections cannot be underestimated, especially for immunosuppressed patients. We report the recommendations ...
Parakeet monachus, Myiopsitta monachus, etiam quaquerianus psittacus cognominatus est, species verae psittaci in familia Psittacidarum. Imago by hejrazdvatri on Depositphotos. Also known as the monk ...