Pancreatic pseudocyst, the most common cystic lesion of the pancreas, is a localized collection of fluid rich in amylase within or adjacent to the pancreas and enclosed by a nonepithelialized wall ...
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Areas of interception between atrial myocardium and atrial mass were due to the overtly high number of large caliber muscular vessels, associated perivascular and interstitial fibrosis avoided, as ...
First described as “synovial lesions of the skin” by Markin and Jones in 1880 and by Hyde in 1883, 1-3 these cysts are known by various names, including mucoid cysts, mucous cyst of the finger, ...
Acute pancreatitis was associated with increased long-term mortality, particularly among patients with non–gallstone-related pancreatitis and severe acute pancreatitis. The increased mortality ...
During follow-up (n=952), there were 63 significant delayed complications such as bleeding (n=18) or buried stent (n=45). None of the factors analysed such as type (walled off necrosis vs pseudocyst) ...