Delano at first resisted taking the drugs, hiding them in her jewelry box, self-medicating with alcohol and masking her ...
Hillsdale Catholic Society will host author Joe Heschmeyer to deliver a talk in Plaster Auditorium on “The Faith of the Early ...
Leggi l'articolo After the Historic Débâcle, Benkirane’s Moroccan Islamist Party Seeks to Renew its Narrative sul sito dell'ISPI.
Danilo and Szczesny out of the Juve project, a long trail of problems with the senators: the examples of Arnautovic and Nzola ...
Today’s Christian nationalists have shaped their theology in ways that harken to apocalyptic prophets of the1530s.
Laura Delano walked away from the treatments that defined her teens and 20s. Now, she’s hoping to create a road map for ...
Christopher Summerfield’s book “These Strange New Minds” offers a lucid intellectual history of AI and argues that chatbots ...
The largest, "Better on Paper," indicates what its contents — books, prints, drawings, photographs — have in common.
Since the start of the conflict with Ukraine, pro-Putin propagandists headed by Vladimir Soloviev have built up their ...
Naomi Wolf’s The Pfizer Papers questions the Covid-19 vaccine approval process, claiming rushed development led to reproductive issues and widespread health concerns ...
This Women's History Month, celebrate with this intersectional list of nonfiction titles about feminism, theory, history, and ...