“If the top person can openly say this racist thing – the ‘piccaninnies’ remarks, ‘watermelon smiles’, comparing Muslim women to a letter box – if that is our figurehead, the top ...
Stormzy then condemned Boris Johnson’s premiership for emboldening racism in Britain. “If the top person can openly say this racist thing – the ‘piccaninnies’ remarks, ‘watermelon smiles’, comparing ...
“If the top person can openly say this racist thing – the ‘piccaninnies’ remarks, ‘watermelon smiles’, comparing Muslim women to a letter box – if that is our figurehead, the top ...
Powell’s locus classicus involved an unidentified little old white lady surrounded by aliens, who had excrement pushed through her letter box and was followed in the street by ‘wide-grinning ...
Which, given the events of the last few months, is not beyond the realms of possibility. Given his previous comments about piccaninnies with watermelon smiles I’m guessing aid to African nations will ...