Creator and creation are distinct. That is the clear understanding of the Judeo-Christian worldview. In contrast to Eastern religions, where God is seen as everything (pantheism), or in everything ...
Andalusian philosopher is known for a number of key ideas adopted by later Sufis, including the unity of being, the concept ...
Explore intriguing parallels between Star Wars' Force Tawhid, comparing cosmic energy, destiny, free will, and spiritual ...
The Bridgetown Church minister met teenagers and young adults who had faith in astrology, of course, but also crystals, aliens, Native American ideas about nature, paganism, pantheism, assorted ...
We found the waste Elon Musk and DOGE won’t cut: it’s defense contractors. The Department of Defense funnels $450 billion of ...
This sometimes took the form of a diluted Spinozan pantheism or an impersonal and irresponsible deism, in which God disinterestedly looks on what he has made. By such stages of deterioration a ...
Dr. Gabor Maté talks about the root causes of addiction and how to deal with them.