At the heart of nearly every large galaxy lies a supermassive black hole. These cosmic giants don’t just sit quietly. Every ...
A research team linked nearby stellar explosions to at least one, possibly two, mass die-offs after calculating the supernova ...
The worlds first artificial satellite, the Soviet Unions Sputnik 1, was launched in October 1957. Just three months later, it ...
The world marks the 40th anniversary of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (1985) on Friday, March 21, 2025, a landmark international agreement that set the foundation for ...
A surprising new study from Dartmouth and the University of Exeter researchers shows that when the supermassive black holes at the center of most large galaxies—including the Milky Way—consume ...
At least two mass extinction events in Earth's history were likely caused by the 'devastating' effects of nearby supernova explosions, a new study suggests. Researchers say these super-powerful blasts ...
We know that regular supernovas pose no existential threat to life on Earth in the near-term. But there are other varieties ...
Deaths of nearby massive stars may have played a significant role in triggering at least two mass extinction events in ...
New research suggests the violent explosions of dying stars may have caused two of Earth’s biggest mass extinctions millions ...
Environmental toxins silently damage your skin barrier by weakening its defenses, accelerating aging, and causing increased ...
The Phoenix area's long-standing ozone pollution issues could have serious impacts on local economic competitiveness and ...
They can now say with 95 percent confidence that the reason the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica has recovered is because of human actions. The study is huge in terms of showing the real, ...