The splashy monarch butterfly only lives about five weeks, but its entire survival is in question due to threats posed by ...
See what Baltimore checkerspot butterflies and caterpillars look like. Plus, learn which host plants you should grow to ...
What sounded like leaves rustling in the wind was the flickering wings of thousands of monarch butterflies as they flitted ...
Despite the problems the cold can cause for farmers, gardeners, and homeowners, a cold winter can be a welcome event from a pest management perspective.
New ways to control Colorado Potato Beetle are marrying pheromones, volatiles and potentially natural repellants.
The Monarch Butterfly, Danaus Plexippus, is a very recognizable butterfly. If you have not had the pleasure of observing one, ...
Their lace-like wings are held over their backs. The young are dark and may look spiny. Varnish-like spots of excrement are usually seen on leaf surfaces. The lacebug overwinters as eggs in the upper ...
Mature ash trees were thought to be a symbol of the well-being of the land itself. Noted for their strong and flexible timber ...
Spotted lanternflies are native to China, Vietnam, and India. This insect is about one inch in length and half an inch wide. Its forewings are gray with black spots. However, this insect is most ...