两只虎鲸跃出水面。图片由 Robert Pittman 拍摄,640px-Killerwhales_jumping 通过 Wikimedia Commons 提供。 Orcas, or killer whales, and great white sharks are apex predators that rule the oceans. However, the answer might ...
Orcas have long fascinated humans with their intelligence, grace, and sheer power. Yet, their presence in aquariums remains a contentious topic, sparking debates worldwide. Despite their popularity, ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
卡西迪在接受采访时称,他当时正在北萨尼奇(North Saanich)熟睡,突然间“ 一切都在疯狂晃动,还伴随着持续至少10秒钟的隆隆声。我用枕头蒙住头,等到震动完全停止后才起身查看电脑。” ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
达娜·R·费舍是一名社会学家,她基于自己对大型社会运动的研究,自称为“末日乐观主义者”。她的研究表明,日益频发的气候灾难将促使人们走上街头,要求采取必要的行动。她详细阐述了如何在个人与社区层面培养应对灾难的韧性——以及如何在看似无解的问题面前集中力量 ...