AsianFin -- Lü Fengmin, the founder and General Manager of E-lead, a Chinese company specializing in developing industrial ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
每个人职场的成功都不同——但不管你在什么领域,你需要冒险。公司和社区建设者Molly Graham分享了在跳下所谓的“职场悬崖”前需要学习的3个关键能力,描绘出一条从爬职场阶梯到实现真正专业和个人成长的路径。
The NBS on Monday released data of China's economy in the first two months of 2025, which showed industrial output, fixed asset investment and retail sales all growing at a faster pace than a year ...
You have a big heart!字面意思是“你心也太大了”,实际含义却是表示赞美:“你心太好了”,或者“你心地太善良了”,相当于, You are a kind person。Heart本意是“心脏”,还可以表达“性情;内心;心肠”。
由Tiger与队友陈卓贤、柳应廷以及邱士缙组成的「秃鹰小组」即将在4月在西九举行户外音乐会,问到可会为演出再推新作品?Tiger坦言未必可以,陈卓贤展开海外个人巡唱、邱士缙亦忙拍摄不在港,笑言彩排亦要好好夹期,他形容和队友间见面的机会不如大家想像多, ...
王文:因为我们都知道,在过去一个月里,特朗普总统再次发起了贸易战,并两次加征了10%的关税。我认为这给中国的对外贸易带来了巨大的压力。但即便如此,正如李成教授刚才提到的,目前中国国内的创新发展正在迅速推进,国内消费能够创造越来越多的需求,并支持经济的 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
A member of the 16th Chinese medical team talks to children about the importance of handwashing at the Frans Nambinga Arts ...
"China has stood by us all the way," said Elia George Kaiyamo, Namibia's ambassador to China, highlighting the deepening bond ...
你是否觉得你需要变得特别卓越,才配在社会上拥有一席之地?你对自己现在的成绩满意吗,你仍然在狂热的追逐成功,还是对你自己所谓的平庸感到羞耻?无论是在才智、相貌或受欢迎程度上,我们的父母都期望我们出类拔萃,在他们眼里,孩子自己的动机和品味并不重要,孩子需 ...
美国总统川普 (Donald Trump)在本月对主要贸易伙伴徵收关税,并承诺对其它国家课徵对等关税。许多国家针锋相对地作出回应,引发了有关贸易战的传言。 面对日益紧张局势,股市反应不佳。标普500指数在本周一度下跌10%,之后才回稳。