The antimicrobial properties of nisin, especially its effectiveness in inhibiting spoilage bacteria and pathogens, make it ...
The Municipality of Prizren has announced that work has begun on the construction of a new roundabout on "Adem Jashari" street, in the "Bazhdarhane" neighborhood, in the area of the former building of ...
The commensal bacteria or microbiota on our skin is thought to contribute to host health, protecting the host against a range of infections, including wound healing and anti-cancer properties. In this ...
值得一提的是,它将根除变形链球菌 UKMCC 1019 的时间从 8 小时(未配方化时)缩短至 5 小时,效果优于 0.2% w/v 的氯己定(chlorhexidine)和 0.5mg/mL 的乳酸链球菌素(nisin) 。稳定性测试证实,在不同温度下,该配方的 pH 值、粘度和抗菌活性在长达六周的时间内保持 ...
2023年《自然·通讯》期刊的一则研究报告犹如投入医学界的深水炸弹:大蒜素对幽门螺杆菌的抑制率达到78.3%。这个数据在全球抗生素耐药性问题日益严重的背景下,激起了医疗界对天然抗菌物质的重新审视。世界卫生组织数据显示,全球每年因耐药菌感染死亡人数已突破127万,我国住院患者抗菌药物使用率虽降至36.9%,但多重耐药菌检出率仍高达22.8%。当现代医学在抗生素研发赛道上渐显疲态时,古老的食疗智慧正以 ...
乳酸链球菌素的分子式:C141H228N41O38S7 相对分子量:3331 国际编码(INS 号):234 分子结构式 Nisin 行业标准 QB2394-2007 的*起草单位,Nisin 项目获得了国家科学技术进步奖二等奖。公司是全球乳酸链 球菌素的主要供应商之一,可以根据客户要求提供不同含量的 Nisin ...
Background: Periodontitis is caused by the dysbiosis of subgingival plaque, and Treponema denticola is the pathogen associated with this disease. Bacteriocins are involved in interbacterial ...
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are widely recognized for their role in food preservation and their potential to produce bacteriocins, natural antimicrobial peptides effective against a broad spectrum of ...
ROCKVILLE, MD – The 36 winners of the annual Student Research Achievement Awards (SRAA) were recognized at the 69 th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony on February 17, 2025.