Shi, M. (2025) An Analysis of Lefebvre’s the Production of Space from the Perspective of Narratology. Open Access Library Journal, 12, 1-7. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1113152 .
Klotz, Petra. Suffering as a theme in Alice Walker's short stories "To hell with dying," "Strong horse tea," and "Everyday use", 2010. (Grabher) ...
The beginning of spring is fast approaching and with it the release of the full version of Cataclismo. The developers have prepared quite a few surprises for this occasion - among them are a discount ...
在文艺研究已有的舞台上,让游戏发出声音,是关心游戏的文化表达的所有人共通的使命,也是以“修复中国游戏文脉”为使命的游戏的人档案馆尽力在达成的。 作者:刘梦霏 数字游戏作为当下最有活力的文艺形态,与涵盖小说、戏剧、影视的“大文学”的关系一直都非常复杂。