Clinically, the lesion may mimic ameloblastoma, arteriovenous malformation, central giant cell granuloma and aneurysmal bone cyst. Radiographically, a multilocular radiolucency with ill-defined ...
The widespread use of imaging modalities and the continuous improvement in their sensitivity have lead to an increasing number of incidental findings of focal liver masses, either solitary or ...
Intra-articular synovial hemangioma of the knee is a relatively rare benign tumor that if left undiagnosed and treated may be ...
Contrast-enhanced CT brain scan demonstrated a multilocular cystic mass, 6.1 × 4.6 × 4.1 cm. in size, at grey-white junction of right high parietal lobe, composed of hypodense portions and some ...
Diabetes mellitus is mainly classified into four types according to its pathogenesis, of which type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has the highest incidence rate and is most relevant to obesity. It is ...