Rodent-borne hantaviruses are associated with two main clinical disorders in humans: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. Although hantavirus diseases can ...
Vector happy kids isolated on white Rodent. Hand drawing watercolor. Antique illustration of field vole or short-tailed vole (Microtus agrestis) Antique illustration of field vole or short-tailed vole ...
By Shanna Hanbury After more than a decade studying California ground squirrels, Jennifer Smith felt she had a solid ...
For the first time, scientists documented concerted carnivory by California ground squirrels. But why were there so many ...
在此,研究人员对克里米亚共和国境内传播的汉坦病毒进行遗传分析。2021 - 2023 年,研究人员采集了克里米亚共和国境内 119 只田鼠属(Microtus)田鼠、66 只林姬鼠属(Sylvaemus)小鼠和 10 只麝鼩属(Crocidura)食虫动物的肺组织样本,采用抗原捕获酶联免疫吸附 ...
Over the next seven weeks at Briones Regional Park in California’s Contra Costa county, Smith’s team documented 74 cases of squirrels hunting voles (Microtus californicus). The findings have ...
Parasitology is the scientific discipline concerned with the study of the biology of parasites and parasitic diseases, including the distribution, biochemistry, physiology, molecular biology ...
研究人员对由具有五种形态型不同频率分布的五组样本构成的人工样本中的灰色田鼠(Microtus arvalis)m 1 前部形态差异进行了分析。研究采用了两种主要方法:(a)传统的离散形态型频率分布分析;(b)基于对前部形态进行严格定量描述的几何形态测量学 ...
The development of a tooth germ in a precise size, shape, and position in the jaw, involves meticulous regulation of cell proliferation and cell death. Apoptosis, as the most common type of programmed ...
Parasite biology is the study of all biological aspects of parasites and parasitic diseases, including the structure, growth, development, genetics, ecology and evolution of these organisms. Shi ...