To reduce the loss of human lives and damage to property caused by typhoon disasters, it is crucial to continuously improve numerical models and enhance their capacity to forecast typhoon tracks and ...
Although many of the processes associated with the perturbation of cloud microphysics by anthropogenic aerosols were discussed, IPCC (2007) provided only an estimate of full quantification of the ...
ABSTRACT: Summary: Objectives, contributed to improving the management of leg fractures in the Orthopaedic and Traumatological Surgery Department at Donka University Hospital. Methodology: This was a ...
Wali, E; Tasumi, M; Klemm, O. 2024. ‘Estimation of evapotranspiration in south eastern Afghanistan using the GCOM-C algorithm on the basis of Landsat satellite ...
Electroluminescence in gases and liquids. • Microphysics of the 2nd and 3rd continua: excimer formation, transfer, quenching, decay, absorption, high-density processes… • Infrared luminescence and ...
The Tibetan Plateau is known as the “Third Pole”. However, there are few studies on clear-air turbulence (CAT) event over the Tibetan Plateau. On 11 February 2023, a severe clear-air turbulence (CAT) ...