“Folks who were Medicaid eligible and pregnant in Cuyahoga County were paired with a community health worker and if they were interested in receiving home delivered medially tailored ...
The family of a Saranac Lake native who suffered two strokes in early February and recently came out of a coma is raising money for a medical flight to bring him from the West Coast back home as he ...
Our recently published M-CRIB atlas comprises 100 neonatal brain regions including 68 compatible with the widely-used Desikan-Killiany adult cortical atlas. A successor to the Desikan-Killiany atlas ...
Department of Neurology, University of Michigan Medical Center, 1500 E Medical Center Drive, 1914 Taubman Center, Ann Arbor MI 48109-0316, USA Correspondence to: Dr S Gilman, Department of Neurology, ...
The tibial tubercle-trochlear groove (TT-TG) distance is frequently used to evaluate laterality of the tibial tubercle when considering whether to move a tibial tubercle medially or anteromedially ...
On February 21, the FDA announced that the shortage of semaglutide injection products has been resolved. Semaglutide has appeared on the FDA’s Drug Shortage List since 2022 because demand for ...
The iliotibial band is incised for the length of the incision. The vastus lateralis muscle is reflected superiorly and medially to expose the lateral intermuscular septum, which is incised for the ...