The determination of organic acids such as glycolate, acetate, formiate, malonate, succinate, and oxalate. Gradients to optimize applications. Fast determination of thiosulfate, thiocyanate ...
Engineering Center of Catalysis and Synthesis for Chiral Molecules, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China Institute of Flow Chemistry and Engineering, Jiangxi Normal ...
在粪便代谢物方面,non - H 组的丙二酸盐(Malonate)浓度显著高于 H 组。 3.5 两组患者肠道菌群与血清和粪便代谢物的关系 相关性分析表明,在 H 组中,Finegoldia 与粪便乙酸呈正相关;在 non - H 组中,罗氏菌属(Rothia)和 P5D1 - 392 与粪便琥珀酸呈正相关 ...