在电影《速度与激情7》中,有一句深入人心的歌词:“It's been a long day without you, my friend…” 这句歌不仅仅是对友谊的歌颂,更是对已故演员保罗·沃克惋惜与怀念的浓缩。作为这一系列的灵魂角色,保罗·沃克的逝世犹如在这条速度之路上刹车,令所有观众感到错愕与心痛。而在这部电影中,导演温子仁用电影艺术为我们完成了一次非凡的告别。 影片的设定依然围绕着引擎轰鸣的 ...
春分是中国传统二十四节气( the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第四个节气。 “春分”的英文有点难度哦,看上去就很陌生: 春分的“分”有两个含义,一个是“昼夜平分”,在春分这天,太阳直射赤道,昼夜等长。
5 小时
大众网 on MSN小城大戏丨沾化渔鼓戏的变革与坚守沾化渔鼓戏剧团的故事,是一个关于变革与坚守的故事。通过改制实现自我管理,通过原创作品推陈出新,通过坚守初心传承文化,剧团在小城市的小剧场里实现了大发展,成为地方戏剧院团自我造血、自我发展的典范。
Celebrate St Patrick's Day weekend with three days of discounted drinks and green beer at Shanghai’s oldest Irish Pub. Doors ...
In the ever-expanding tapestry of urban design, the mini car stands as a testament to human ingenuity and cultural identity.
Russia is "in favor" of the 30-day ceasefire plan proposed by the United States and Ukraine, but nuances exist, Russian ...
(香港19日讯)45岁香港女星胡杏儿与老公李乘德结婚10年,育有3子,经常放闪大晒家庭幸福。近日港媒直击,李乘德被曝光在夜店开狂欢派对,与多名美女互动亲密,掀起惹议,李乘德今早(19日)终在社交媒体出贴文以英文留言回应事件。据港媒报导,李乘德在52岁 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Vision & Colour Music Festival is returning to Zhuhai, China, announcing an impressive Phase 1 lineup featuring Skrillex, ...
之前很多粉丝评论说江树的图文可以发小红书,这次干脆做一期:将新闻转为小红书图文。提示词和使用方法在文末。以 DeepSeek 开源周为例子DeepSeek 开源周 Day 1DeepSeek 开源周 Day 2DeepSeek 开源周 Day ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...