Despite their differences in age and nationality—Belgian and British—Princess and Maevon grew up as gay men sharing the same ...
Alina Kabaeva, the so-called 'Golden Girl' of authoritarian tyrant Vladimir Putin had allegedly hoped to live like 'a queen'.
Molly Burrets, a licensed clinical psychologist, says it's important to have a support network—especially when you live alone ...
Equity actors for roles in THE BRIEF WONDROUS LIFE OF OSCAR WAO (see breakdown). Actors who are very comfortable and/or fluent speaking Caribbean Spanish are encouraged to submit.
A new study published in Journal of Adolescent Health00833-4/fulltext) has revealed that adolescents who experience high ...
A donkey has pulled on the heartstrings of thousands of social media users after an animal sanctuary documented one donkey's special love for rubber balls.
We're used to seeing SA's top-selling cars, but which brands and models are on the extreme opposite of the spectrum?
This Morning's Deidre Sanders was left in tears on Tuesday's show as she discussed the loneliness she has felt since the death of her husband, Rick, in December 2022 ...
Constant pressure to perform tasks that are far beyond the scope of their abilities can result in burnout, making adult men ...
Be kind but firm; let her know you value her, but you simply can’t meet all her emotional needs. Encourage her to explore new ...
As much as we might try, being a perfect parent is impossible. The best we can do is pay attention to our children, and ...