It contained the sentence "The ANC is a coalition held together by little more than jobbery." Jobbery is not a word we see often in South African writing. The Google definition is "the practice of ...
HENRY SMITH, are not yet over. Besides the Bowling-green Savings Bank swindle, and innumerable acts of scandalous political jobbery in which HANK SMITH is well known to have played a very ...
FROM relying on anonymous whistleblowers to exposing government jobbery, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is now experimenting with a major reform: discreetly placing its officers in ...
After starring in Tan Mann Neel o Neel, Sehar Khan believes that Pakistani television shows should discuss social issues in an effort to change people’s thought processes. The final episode of Tan ...
In 1910 he damned the Payne-Aldrich law as “a miserable travesty, an ill-designed patchwork, a piece of brazen legislative jobbery” and in 1932 he flayed the Hawley-Smoot act as “utterly dis ...
This month marks five years since the COVID-19 pandemic gripped the nation, resulting in lockdown responses across the country, and the Australian Human Rights Commission is saying we still don’t know ...
He also warned against bribery and corruption, the evil of nepotism and jobbery, and regarded them as a poison. He emphasised that this evil must be crushed relentlessly. Jinnah’s life was ...
Since everyone, by definition, lives in a province, how can provincial autonomy be truly respected? And what about the inevitable political jobbery over tenders, contracts, permits, licences and ...