An indefatigable gardener, she was one of the first nutritionists to emphasize the connections between farming practices and ...
Gussow's focus on whole and organic foods and seasonal eating, not supplements and scaled-up agricultural production, shook ...
Reflections on the life and work of a remarkable writer, gardener, and teacher, from her friends and colleagues.
Beyond Pesticides celebrates the life and legacy of Joan Dye Gussow, EdD, a leader in the organic and local food movements ...
Michael Pollan, author of several books about food and health, including "Your Mind on Plants" and "The Omnivore’s Dilemma," called Gussow "one of my heroes and teachers." Joan Dye Gussow of ...
Joan Dye Gussow, a nutritionist and educator who was often referred to as the matriarch of the "Eat locally, think globally" food movement, died Friday at her home in Piermont, New York, in Rockland ...