She went to urgent care after falling, and physicians noticed significant weakness in her lower extremities. An MRI showed a large intradural extramedullary mass at L5 that was likely benign and ...
The imaging manifestations of SEDAVFs on MR angiography/MRI include high T2 signal in the spinal cord, vascular engorgement of the epidural space, and prominent intradural vascular flow voids. Given ...
Bevacizumab (Avastin), an inhibitor of VEGF-mediated angiogenesis, has produced encouraging results in a small cohort. In summary, Dr. Raz emphasized that cSDH is an intradural, highly vascular, and ...
Some authors have proposed a temporal burr hole before proceeding to actual craniotomy. Basic procedures should always be remembered, such as filling the normal saline in the intradural space before ...
Neuropathic pain (NPP) is caused by damage to the somatosensory nervous system. Its prominent symptoms are spontaneous pain, hyperalgesia and abnormal pain. This pain is long-lasting and unbearable, ...
Several people die in ABC’s medical drama series Grey’s Anatomy. Over the course of its run, many patients have coded or died on the operating table or succumbed to prolonged illness. A few medical ...
Comparison of laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation with percutaneous radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma involving specific sites: A ...
Purpose: The distribution of cervical bones in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) differs from that of the normal cervical spine. Traditional simulation methods often yield inaccurate results in finite ...