Attention sports culture enthusiasts! Exciting news is here as the Enshi Ethnic Sports Center, affectionately referred to as the 'Bird's Nest', is on track for its grand opening in 2025. This ...
The table above is the complete Enshi Ramadan Calendar 2025. Here you can see the Sehri timing and iftar timing in Enshi from the first to the last Ramadan fasting day. The Islamic and Gregorian ...
楚天都市报极目新闻讯(记者李博)3月12日,湖北机场集团恩施机场有限责任公司对外披露,经民航局批复同意,恩施许家坪机场更名为恩施许家坪国际机场,其英文名称确定为“ENSHI XUJIAPING INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT”。这标志着恩施机场正式跨进国际机场行列,成为湖北省第四家国际机场。
The 3,600-acre Walnut Canyon National Monument was established in 1915 by President Woodrow Wilson to protect the ancient dwellings carved into the area's cliffs. Archaeologists believe that ...
本次专项公开招聘涉及恩施州州直、8县市有关事业单位,共有149个岗位,计划招聘工作人员222名,具体单位、岗位及资格条件详见《2025年恩施州事业单位专项公开招聘工作人员岗位计划表》(附件1,以下简称《岗位表》) 或 。