They were given long term intravenous prostaglandin treatment (either epoprostenol (n = 61) or iloprost (n = 13)) or conventional treatment with oral anticoagulants (n = 24) with or without calcium ...
What is the latest research on scleroderma? Find out in this collection of recent MEDLINE abstracts compiled by the editors at Medscape Nurses. Acute and chronic renal diseases remain common ...
Purpose: The stability of meropenem in i.v. solutions stored in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) bags and an elastomeric infusion device at concentrations commonly used in home care was studied. Methods ...
Sepsis is a life-threatening clinical syndrome characterized by multiorgan dysfunction caused by a dysregulated or over-reactive host response to infection. During sepsis, the coagulation cascade is ...
Background Pulmonary hypertension (PHT) lacks community prevalence and outcome data. Objective To characterise minimum ‘indicative’ prevalences and mortality data for all forms of PHT in a selected ...
DailyMed. Tyvaso DPI -trepostinil inhalant. DailyMed. Tyvaso - trepostinil inhalant. DailyMed. Label: Ventavis- iloprost solution. DailyMed. Label: Remodulin- treprostinil injection, solution sterile ...
Objective To assess the effect of sildenafil, a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor, on digital ulcer (DU) healing in systemic sclerosis (SSc). Methods Randomised, placebo-controlled study in patients ...