The Zed Air CX3 budget laptop from Life Digital costs under Rs. 20,000 and is one of the few laptops which features an Intel Core i3 CPU at this price. It has a 15.6-inch full-HD display, which has ...
Reach Mobile is a diversification of a Kolkata-based company Rashmi Group, which is focused on steel, cement, IT, and B2B e-commerce businesses. The brand has mostly launched budget smartphones and ...
2025年春晚,宇树科技的仿生机器人以一段“扭秧歌”的高难度舞蹈表演惊艳全网,一夜之间成为“科技顶流”。如今时隔不过一月,这家硬核科技企业的最新动态再度引发了一波热议。 AMZ123了解到,近期, 宇树科技在阿里旗下跨境电商平台速卖通上开设了官方店铺,并上架包括机器狗在内的多款产品,打上了“Big Save百亿补贴”的标志 ,成为消费电子行业新机器人类目出海的开端。