1 Research Fellow, The South African Institute for Medical Research, Johannesburg, South Africa.
比如超抗原(superantigens),能过度激活宿主的免疫反应,引发严重的食物中毒;Panton - Valentine 杀白细胞毒素(Panton - Valentine leukocidin,简称 pvl)和溶血素(hemolysins),可以破坏宿主细胞。而且,它们还掌握了一项 “生存绝技”—— 形成生物膜(biofilm formation)。
Tiger Snake. Image by Max Tibby, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons Native to southern Australia, the Tiger Snake is notable for its banded coloration. Its potent venom contains coagulants, hemolysins, and ...