Elon Musk旗下人工智能公司xAI稍先前宣布收购AI视频生成初创公司Hotshot,一家专注开发类似OpenAI Sora的视频生成技术的初创公司,其行政总裁Aakash Sastry稍先前已在X平台证实消息,但未有披露交易金额。 Some ...
晚安玛卡巴卡 今天,我妹负责用吸尘器打扫卫生,然后说:“咱家这仓鼠的背上有点儿灰啊。”FML Today, my little sister was in charge of doing the vacuuming, when she decided our hamster had "dust on his back". FML ...
In a statement, Hamas said its leadership delegation, which received a proposal from mediators on Thursday to resume ...
In the ever-expanding tapestry of urban design, the mini car stands as a testament to human ingenuity and cultural identity.
中国动画电影《哪吒之魔童闹海》(简称《哪吒2》)在印度尼西亚雅加达舉辦首映禮,現場熱鬧非凡。記者在首映現場看到,觀眾席座無虛席,片播放期間,觀眾席多次爆發笑聲、掌聲和驚嘆聲,甚至有年輕觀眾在觀影後走到《哪吒2》海報前錄製視頻,熱情推薦這部電影。 Indonesian audience Sarah shared her experience, saying it was her first time ...