You have a big heart!字面意思是“你心也太大了”,实际含义却是表示赞美:“你心太好了”,或者“你心地太善良了”,相当于, You are a kind person。Heart本意是“心脏”,还可以表达“性情;内心;心肠”。
moment 后面为什么用 where,不用when?原句:I had a moment where I thought to myself, "Why am I even working ...
晚安玛卡巴卡 今天,我妹负责用吸尘器打扫卫生,然后说:“咱家这仓鼠的背上有点儿灰啊。”FML Today, my little sister was in charge of doing the vacuuming, when she decided our hamster had "dust on his back". FML ...
2002年提出“建设开放的国际化柳工”至今,柳工已拥有超过30家海外子公司&机构,4座海外制造工厂,12个全球研发基地,500多家全球经销商,为180多个国家和地区提供产品和服务。在打造具备全球竞争力的世界一流企业背景下,柳工将持续积极建设全价值链协 ...
Topmost, that is, in terms of quality, ability, popularity, etc. In other words, these musicians are the best among peers.
加利福尼亚州洛杉矶——当洛杉矶快船队通过买断球员市场将本·西蒙斯招入麾下时,他们得到了一位技术全面的球员,从理想状态来讲,这名球员能够高水平地胜任场上五个位置。从理论上来说,得到一位身高6英尺10英寸(约2.08米)、28岁,拥有大前锋体格和控球后卫技术的前锋,这显然是个无需多想的明智之举。 但围绕西蒙斯的大多数新闻头条和热议话题,都是关于他的种种疑问。“他不总是受伤吗?”“他到底还热爱这项运动吗 ...
To get wind of something, in sum-up, is to discover or become aware of something, usually through indirect sources. For example, the press in our example may have got wind of the couple falling in ...
DONGGUAN, Mar. 18 (Gwadar Pro)- From March 15 to 19, the 53rd International Famous Furniture Fair (Dongguan), a premier global event for the home furnishing industry, is showcasing over 1,200 top-tier ...
The death toll from tornadoes and violent storms that ravaged the central and southern United States over the weekend has ...
空之灵:古老的回忆为瑞典Forgotten Key制作的飞行解谜冒险游戏。游戏题材为探索古代遗迹,主角可变为鸟儿飞行,玩家能在神秘世界冒险,自由切换行走与飞行状态解机关。其画面为唯美的低模风格,题材和谜题新颖。