Halothane was the first fluorinated inhaled anesthetic that was wildly successful, rapidly displacing all other potent inhaled anesthetics. Efforts to develop other halogenated anesthetics with ...
在儿科麻醉实践中,确保安全、有效的气管插管条件是手术成功的关键。神经肌肉阻滞药物在此过程中扮演着至关重要的角色,它们能够暂时性地阻断神经冲动向肌肉的传递,从而为气管插管创造有利条件。顺式阿曲库铵(Cisatracurium)作为一种具有中等时效的 ...
The flavonoid silymarin and one of its structural components, silibinin, are substances with documented hepatoprotective properties. Their mechanisms of action are still poorly understood. However ...