A crewed mission to and from Mars may include an exciting array of enabling biotechnologies that leverage inherent mass, power, and volume advantages over traditional abiotic approaches. In this ...
Oxidoreductases play crucial roles in electron transfer during biological redox reactions. These reactions are not exclusive to protein-based biocatalysts; nano-size (<100 nm), fine-grained inorganic ...
这些嗜盐微生物能产生一类特殊的酶,叫做嗜盐酶(halophilic enzymes)。与普通酶相比,嗜盐酶就像拥有超能力的 “小战士”,在高盐、有机溶剂以及高温等极端条件下,依然能保持稳定并发挥作用。而普通酶在这样的环境中,就像脆弱的 “小树苗”,很容易 ...
Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology, University of Valladolid, Dr. Mergelina s/n., 47011 Valladolid, Spain Institute of Sustainable Processes, University of Valladolid, Dr.
Marine microorganisms have been a resource for novel therapeutic drugs for decades. In addition to anticancer drugs, the drug acyclovir, derived from a marine sponge, is FDA-approved for the treatment ...
1、无菌条件下,取出1-3d 龄SD大鼠心房组织,然后用PBS将此组织块清洗2次,将组织剪成1mm3左右大小; 2、往组织块中加入4 mL酶消化液(0.1% 胰酶和0.1% I型胶原酶),混悬10s,置37℃条件下消化10min,之后用滴管吹打制成单细胞悬液,自然沉淀并收集上清,用含10% ...