The mature storylines in a select handful of K-dramas make for a cozy watch and are likely to help viewers feel better on a ...
If you’re watching When Life Gives You Tangerines, chances are you’re already swooning over Park Bo-gum’s character, Gwan-Sik ...
近年来,随着韩国教育的风潮不断变化,让人有些无奈的是,许多家长在孩子还很小的时候,就纷纷把他们送进了各类课外辅导班。这一现象并非偶然,根据最新的调查数据显示,足足有47.6%的6岁以下儿童正在上这些被称为‘hagwon’的补习班!而更让人咋舌的是,在5岁以上的金花们中,这一比例更是高达80%!想想一下,这可真是一场教育的马拉松,尤其是我们可爱的小朋友们,才刚刚学会说话,就已经在为未来的“竞争”做好 ...
Wi Ha Joon and Park Min Young are considering their participation in an intense mystery thriller, based on a Fuji TV drama.
ENA’s “Mother and Mom” has shared a glimpse of a tense moment in the emergency room! Set in the cutthroat education hub that is Seoul’s Daechi ...
Actor Kim Soo Hyun's agency criticised the leaking of his private photos and sought a private dialogue to address misunderstandings with the late actor's mother ...