Fossils are like time capsules, offering us a rare chance to glimpse the distant past. Over the years, a number of ancient ...
地球是一个奇迹历史|肯尼亚将国家地理中文网设为星标方能收到正常推送在一块有着145万年历史的胫骨上的切割痕迹表明,当时人们曾使用石器工具来切割这条腿以获取其肉。|国家地理图片集约150万年前,一群人类近亲似乎将同类作为食物。在肯尼亚北部遗址发现的古胫 ...
Amerika1 天Opinion
Out of Europe
“Out of Africa” has some plausible ideas, namely that Homo erectus advanced and went into colder climates and became Homo heidelbergensis, which led linearly to modern humanity. However, that requires ...
Writing goes back about 5,000 years, but the spoken words is over a million years old. Psychology, biology and archaeology ...