只有当一个人连续几个月、大量生吃时才可能会对甲状腺造成损害。国外曾报道,纽约一位88岁的华人老妇人,连续数月每天生吃1-1.5kg的上海青 (bok choy)后,出现了危及生命的甲状腺功能减退症状[1]。
We retrospectively evaluated 907 nodules from 269 patients seen in our out-patient clinic. Patients > 15 years of age with nodular or multinodular goiter and macrocalcification in at least one nodule ...
OBJECTIVE: To check the effect of ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol injection for treatment of cystic thyroid nodules. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A comparison was made of the volume of 34 benign ...