Erythropoiesis, the process of red blood cell production, occurs in the bone marrow and requires iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid. Insufficient iron impairs erythropoiesis, reducing the number of ...
Dear Dr. Roach: Several months ago, I developed a case of a bigeminy heartbeat. My cardiologist prescribed metoprolol. At ...
Several months ago, I developed a case of a bigeminy heartbeat. My cardiologist prescribed metoprolol. At about the same time, I had reduced my intake of magnesium ...
Several months ago, I developed a case of a bigeminy heartbeat. My cardiologist prescribed metoprolol. At about the same time ...
A reduction of 78.8% in surgical site infections in patients undergoing spine surgery was presented at the 25th Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Spine Society by researchers from the ...
背景:已有威尔逊病过度治疗引发铜缺乏性周围神经病的报道,但对其病理特征的研究却很少见。在此,研究人员报告了一例威尔逊病患者出现铜缺乏性周围神经病的病例,并展示了其神经活检的特征。病例描述:一名 44 岁的女性患者,已确诊患有威尔逊病,长期口服葡萄糖酸锌(zinc gluconate)和铜螯合剂(copper chelators)。2022 年 6 月,她出现周围神经病症状,同时伴有贫血和中性粒细胞 ...