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All of the Texas Observer’s articles are available for free syndication for news sources under the following conditions: ...
His recent comment regarding the abusive confrontations by, especially, the two “gadflies,” his term, that are often cited in this newspaper is spot on. Like the other Lawrencians with whom I ...
When Melissa Komar was named Johnstown’s assistant city manager in 2015, Councilwoman Marie Mock called her “a phenomenal woman” who “does it all.” Komar is leaving public service in 2025 having more ...
Yet as the communist regime collapsed, that’s precisely what happened. @StephenSmithWDS wonders how two East End gadflies infiltrated the Eastern Bloc. Stephen Smith - From Russia with Lucre Stephen ...
Your recent article describing how two local gadflies are upsetting public meetings in Lawrence was quite troubling (“A public comment crisis?” on Feb. 14) and calls into question the role of ...
This past summer, I was having dinner at a local restaurant in Dallas that had beautiful guitar music playing. When I looked around the room, I noticed a guy playing the guitar flawlessly and I ...
Yet as the communist regime collapsed, that’s precisely what happened. @StephenSmithWDS wonders how two East End gadflies infiltrated the Eastern Bloc. Stephen Smith - From Russia with Lucre Stephen ...
The outcry against legislative secrecy and inaction isn’t just confined to a handful of lonely good-government gadflies. Voters have taken notice, and they’ve had enough. Still, reform at the ...
On balance, this would be both impossible and not always a good idea. Rudrum’s literary trolls are instructive – gadflies and polemicists who annoyed the pompous and sometimes even brought ...
By “seeding” each academic department with such gadflies, the goal was to develop a core group of faculty who would prod and influence their colleagues to incorporate informed discussions of ethical ...