Physicists in Germany have led experiments that show the inertia of electrons can form 'tornadoes' inside a quantum semimetal ...
Topological materials are revolutionizing semiconductor manufacturing, offering enhanced conductivity and efficiency for next ...
文章大纲量子计算新纪元:中国突破引领投资热潮技术突围:量子计算开启“第二次算力革命”应用狂飙:从“密码学颠覆”到“产业重塑”生态重构:全球“量子俱乐部”的权力博弈资本狂潮:量子赛道“百舸争流”挑战与未来:从“量子优越性”到“实用霸权”近日,中国科学家 ...
Indian American physicist predicted a new class of exotic particles which could be integral to high-performance electronics ...
An international team of paleontologists, geoscientists and biologists has found via analysis of melanosome patterns in fossilized Mesozoic mammals, that they most likely had dark, uniformly dull ...
Dissipative quantum phase transitions in open quantum systems have been extensively studied, but experiments have been mostly limited to first-order transitions. Here, the authors report the ...