Vegetation indices and soil erosion models were used to evaluate critical factors such as rainfall Erosivity, soil erodibility, slope characteristics, and land cover management. The resulting model ...
Vegetation indices and soil erosion models were used to evaluate critical factors such as rainfall Erosivity, soil erodibility, slope characteristics, and land cover management. The resulting model ...
Stepwise procedures were implemented to develop soil loss map of the study watershed as shown in Figure 3. On the other hand, the highest erodibility values were observed in the Humic Alisols, which ...
Soil heating can also destroy soil aggregates and increase erodibility of the soils. Some of these soil properties seem to recover to post-fire conditions relatively rapidly (months), others may ...
The canephora coffee tree is produced in tropical regions and in places with altitudes below 1,000 m and accounts for 36 % of global production (Campuzano-Duque et al., 2021). Brazil is the largest ...