“让我们一起倒数,迎接新的一年!”这不仅是泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)在她的时代巡回演唱会上对粉丝们说的话,也是她即将上映的演唱会电影《泰勒·斯威夫特:时代巡回演唱会》(Taylor Swift: The Eras ...
由电台频度iHeart举办的「iHeartRadio Music Awards」,于当地时间周一晚上假洛杉矶杜比剧院举行。与乡谣歌手Morgan Wallen同获10项提名领先的乐坛天后Taylor ...
近几年,演唱会已成为“行走的GDP”。每当有国际巨星开唱,主办城市的旅游经济便会直线上涨,因为成千上万的粉丝会蜂拥而至,导致机票价格飙升、酒店一房难求、餐馆大排长龙,商场和旅游景点人潮汹涌。无形中也带动各行各业的消费热潮,创造可观的经济效益。东南亚一 ...
最近香奈儿官宣了新的品牌大使,又是一张绝美的天使面孔! 一头利落短发,桀骜不驯的眼神,把春夏系列的刚柔并济和灵动演绎得淋漓尽致。 海报中的女主角 Gracie Abrams,江湖人称“美国张柏芝”。
An ancient and famous tree protection campaign was launched at the Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Park, Changsha City ...
以色列情报机构今天(3月14日)早上证实,泰勒·斯威夫特的前男友都是摩萨德特工,他们的伪装越来越复杂。 特工约纳坦·梅尔(Yonatan Meir)接受了媒体的采访,谈论了他在斯威夫特身边15年的任务,这是他职业生涯中的一段空白,现在终于可以披露了。
Tragedia a Napoli, una studentessa di 17 anni è morta dopo essersi sentita male sul traghetto: era in gita scolastica ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Catch Anthem Lights, a vocal powerhouse band from Nashville, on their Icon Tour! Known for their epic mashups and stunning harmonies, they’ve earned a massive following with over 9 million collections ...