He was intubated orally with an age-appropriate endotracheal tube. Blood cultures, complete blood count and direct epiglottic culture were performed before the administration of antibiotics.
24.5 47.2 (22.7) - CH / 800 m / tf / 5 bt 6 / R Thomas / Slow canter site (R.B.) (CH) / Swimming ...
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12.8 36.4 59.3 (22.9) - HV / 1000 m / tf / 8 bt 10 / A Hamelin ...
在新生儿的健康世界里,有一种罕见却危险的疾病 —— 先天性会厌囊肿(Congenital epiglottic cysts),如同隐藏在气道中的 “定时炸弹”。先天性会厌囊肿是导致新生儿和婴儿上气道梗阻的一个原因,虽然它的发病率约为每 10 万活产婴儿中有 1.82 例,但却能引发 ...